Take Control – Consciously develop a new anti-obesity lifestyle
To develop a new anti-obesity lifestyle is to start undertaking it on a daily basis. Then bit by bit it becomes so ingrained we do it without thinking.
That needs conscious thought on a daily basis while the new behaviours are not yet second nature (like chewing every mouthful of food thoroughly before swallowing).
Our new anti-obesity lifestyle will ultimately involve a range of specific behaviours. What they are is entirely up to each of us. What works for one of us won’t necessarily work for someone else. But one thing is for sure; it takes a lot of conscious practice to get these new behaviours etched into the brain.
Every day is a fresh start to consciously think about the components of our new lifestyle and practice (doing) them (like leaving the car at home or parking it some distance down the road).
We need to think consciously about practicing our new lifestyle every day until it becomes the new us.
Enjoy Life – Practice being positive Get Active – Simple exercise facilitates recovery
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