Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Eat Well – Be the last to start eating and the last to finish

 Eating well involves eating less while enjoying the eating more. Being the last to start eating and the last to finish is a cunning way of achieving both of these aspects of eating well. 

If we eat with others, we need to make sure they are all sorted before we start eating; be the last to start eating.  This way we won’t view having a smaller meal as being deprived. The others may have eaten their meal down to our smaller portion by the time we start.  

Try putting cutlery down between single mouthfuls to ensure eating just one small mouthful at a time. This will inevitably slow down our eating and allow the pleasure to be extended. 

If eating alone, try to delay eating by five minutes or so. This is good for strengthening our dACC (dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus – our brain’s brake) as well as bringing greater consciousness to eating our meal.  

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