Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Eat Well (content)– By dealing with our top 5-10 problem foods

Most of us with obesity have a number of identifiable problem foods. These favourite “yummy” foods are invariably high energy foods, and therefore excellent for building fat stores. Regular consumption of these foods, which includes snacks between meals, helps keep our obesity going and going.

Why should we deal with our top 5-10 problem foods?

It can feel like deprivation, but the reality is the exact opposite. Reducing our BMI down from 39 to 29 adds 10 years of life on average, which is over 80,000 extra hours of life – hardly deprivation!

It is very hard to recover from obesity without dealing with our top 5-10 problem foods. This means committing to new food rules involving these 5-10 problem foods for the rest of our lives; and the more drastic the better.

This is not a new short-term diet, it is a new eating lifestyle that is going to add years to our life.

A good place to start in working out what our top 5-10 problem foods are is to scan the NEEDNT food list ((NEEDNT is an acronym for Non-Essential, Energy-Dense, Nutritionally-deficienT see and think:

1. How much have we craved that particular food? and

2. When we give into those cravings how much have we overeaten that food?

The more the craving/compulsive overeating the more drastic the new food rule will probably need to be for that particularly food.

The most drastic new food rule is long-term abstinence, in just the same way severe alcoholics recover through long-term abstinence from alcohol.

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