Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Eat Well – Eat simple evening meals

Evening eating is a major problem for many of us on the journey of obesity recovery. 

The beginning of the day goes well; even through to lunchtime and a little beyond. Eating is under control and the quality of the food consumed is excellent. But mid-afternoon comes and temptations begin to rise. By 5pm things are really going to custard.  

Watch for the effects of that late afternoon dose of alcohol that many of us have previously indulged in. Alcohol and tiredness, especially psychological tiredness, leave us vulnerable to overeating.  

Several specific evening eating rules can be a great way of keeping on track if evening overeating is an issue. “Dinner for a pauper” i.e. only eating simple evening meals (except on special occasions) is an excellent principle to operationalise.  

Here are some simple evening meal suggestions which can be topped off with an apple: 

– Cheese and tomato toasties (or cheese and tomato on toast) 

– Two pieces of corn 

– Poached eggs on toast 

– Simple stir fried vegetables 

– Baked beans/chilli beans 

– Vegetable soup 

Vegetable soups and other simple evening meals can be delicious and make us feel we’re in Heaven!   

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