Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Enjoy Life – Keep up relationships especially in winter

Life is too short to delay focusing on the really important things that bring happiness. 

One of the most important things that enhances enjoyment of life for the majority of people is having close relationships. We are highly social creatures who need others for interaction, advice, stimulation, reassurance, nurturing, fun and practical assistance. When we become isolated from friends and family most of us begin to droop in mood and our feelings of happiness and contentment can quickly begin to fade away. 

Being significantly overweight can itself make us want to isolate from others and avoid people and social situations. When winter begins to appear on the horizon, and the days get colder and darker, it is even easier to hibernate at home under a blanket watching TV, Netflix or scanning the internet, and lose the inclination to interact with others.  

Further, the combination of cold weather and isolation from others makes it even more tempting to just reach out to comfort food for pleasure and nurturing rather than to people we like and love.  

So let’s not forget to keep doing those little things we normally do to keep our lives bright - bundle ourselves up and enjoy a brisk walk with someone in the cool air to get the blood flowing and muscles working. Keep arranging to have lunch or coffee with old friends or someone new - there are plenty of warm places, including some great venues with open fires, to go for catchups. Reach out to someone and hatch a plan to keep each other motivated and enjoying life, especially over the winter months. 

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