Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Get Active – Don’t get sucked in by the weight-loss industry

Getting more active is and isn’t a big deal. It is a huge deal in terms of benefits to our health and well being but it doesn’t need to be a big deal in terms of  taking a lot of time, or costing us big money if any money at all.  

However, the weight-loss industry – such as gym owners, event organisers and exercise equipment pushers – constantly try to convince us of something different to achieve their business goals. They try and tell us their exercise product, is a vital element of successful weight-loss – joining their new flash gym, kick-starting weight loss with their special 10km walk or buying their new fandangled push-me-pull-you piece of equipment for “only three easy payments of $49.95” – we’ve all seen the adverts.  

Don’t get sucked in. Although weight-loss for the majority of successful long-term weight losers is primarily about getting eating under control, getting active is nevertheless fundamental to the process. Increasing daily activity is not only excellent for maintaining weight-loss but is a critical factor for improving overall health, which means more energy and enjoyment of life.  

Getting more active on a daily basis is not a short-term project but a fundamental shift in daily living for the rest of our lives. It’s not smart or flashy and we don’t have to wear lycra to achieve it. 

This is what it is about: the more we sit rather than lie down during the day – stand rather than sit, stretch rather than stand, walk rather than stand, walk briskly rather than slowly – the better.  

The trick is to insert small increments of increased activity into our lives on an ongoing daily basis, and if we’re carrying around 20-30kgs of excess weight or more we’re also doing weight-training while we’re standing up and walking more. 

The media frequently reports on people who have lost weight dramatically by becoming marathon runners or following a new fad celebrity exercise regime. Don’t read them.  J  They will be the exceptions that prove the rule at least in the short-term and tempt you to get sucked in. 

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