Get Active – Move your bowels
Getting very personal now.
If we’re not moving our bowels at least once a day, it could very well indicate we’re spending too much time sitting and lying around and not being active enough in our daily life style. Chances are we’re not moving our legs enough and getting a bit of a puff up every day.
Of course, bowel motion frequency is determined by more than just general activity and exercise. But if you’ve cut back on animal protein, increased the amount of vegetables and fruit in the diet and not on constipating medications, but still not going at least once a day on average, then perhaps it’s time to increase general activity levels and maybe even add a little more strenuous exercise that gives you a really good puff from time to time.
We generally don’t like thinking about it, but the state and frequency of our bowel motions is one of the best reflections of our overall physical health.
Happy bowels move once or twice a day.
Happy bowels – happy human.
Take Control – Plan what to eat every day Eat Well (process) – Pause before eating – say Grace
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