Take Control – Move from passive to active
The majority of us live our lives not really thinking much about what we’re eating, how we’re eating it, or how active we are. We are largely passive. The result of being passive while living in an obesigenic environment like we do is becoming overweight and obese. Obesity will hit some people more than others for a whole lot of reasons including genetics.
The good news is, we are not doomed to be the weight we are, whether it is being overweight, obese or morbidly obese. We can take control and move from being passive to being more active and taking conscious control.
Consciously thinking about aspects of our new recovery lifestyle every day and practicing them over and over will in time bring about permanent change that just comes naturally.
Some ideas:
- Start every day with a stretching exercise regime
- Stand on the scales
- Eat a small nutritious breakfast
- Take lunch to work
- Eat fruit and vegetables often and consume much less “treat food”
- Plan meals
- Ride a bike or walk rather than always taking the car
- Use the stairs instead of lifts at every opportunity
- Focus on simple things that money can’t buy for pleasure.
As we make the shift from our old state of passivity to being more active, we will discover those aspects of a new recover lifestyle that will work for us.
Enjoy Life – By starting today Get Active – Wake up and get going without drugs
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