Weekly Messages
Persist – Go the extra mile
Going a little beyond what we immediately feel like doing stimulates our persistence “muscle”. The more we stimulate this muscle (prefrontal cortex) the stronger it becomes. The stronger we become up top, the more in control we will be of our (more…)
Eat Well (content) – Eat colourful meals
We all know we need to eat less calories; but it isn’t necessarily just a matter of eating less of the food we are currently eating if we want to eat well. Eating well for the rest of our lives (more…)
Get Active – Develop a new mind-set
Opportunities to be more active and move from living a “sedentary” life to an “active” life present themselves every day. Moving from a “sedentary” lifestyle to an “active” lifestyle simply requires increasing the number of steps we take each day (more…)
Take Control – Always think before eating
If we don’t stay alert and vigilant we run the risk at every eating opportunity to slip back into old patterns of automatic eating, especially in the first two years. Being alert and ready to make good decisions when the (more…)
Enjoy Life – More books, more sleep, less television and less trashy magazines
It is hard to really enjoy life while consuming on a daily basis the mountains of trash, gossip, shallowness and overhyped bad news on offer, and being continually exposed to product marketing by predatory corporations. Staying up late watching mindless television (including sports…) not (more…)
Eat Well (process) – Dissolve a little surplus fat each day by eating a little less
The obesity reptile within hates seeing these words – “Eat Less” – because the obesity reptile always wants to eat more. When the obesity reptile has been trained to overeat, it begins to expect to be overfed for the rest (more…)
Persist – Persistence can be enhanced with deliberate practice
Kia Ākina is not a short-term weight-loss project. It doesn’t involve a special diet or a new piece of exercise equipment. There is no quick-fix or magical solution when it comes to permanent weight-loss. This is because permanent weight-loss only (more…)
Eat Well (content) – Eat what your grandmother would have served
One of the biggest delusions of our modern world is that processed food in colourful packaging is superior to the simple food of the past. If there was one thing we had to choose to change our diet in order (more…)
Get Active – The more effort the better
Every little bit of activity counts. While we sit in a chair, even if our fingers are working the keyboard, not much real activity is actually happening. We could just as well be asleep in bed. Activity is when we (more…)
Take Control – Set short-term weight goals
One of the most important ways to Take Control is to set goals and be committed to them. It is easy to have grand plans for the future, but these can soon fade in the hurley-burley stress of life. (more…)