Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Weekly Messages

Take Control – Incorporate maintenance periods

There’s a good day coming! It’s the day we get on the scales and our super guru indicates we have reached a BMI of 29 – recovery from obesity. But what then? If we haven’t practiced maintaining our weight at (more…)

Enjoy Life – Focus on talents

Thinking about what we are good at, concentrating on our strengths, and reflecting on what we have already achieved in life is a tried and true method for enjoying life. The habit of being down on ourselves and thinking often (more…)

Eat Well (content) – Eat a high-fibre diet

Eating well means eating for nutrition rather than eating for comfort. One of the hallmarks of eating well is consuming a high fibre diet. Fibre is sometimes also called roughage. Fibre consists of the parts of plants that can’t be (more…)

Persist – If struggling, don’t give up completely

None of us are perfect. All of us slip up from time to time, generally for very good reasons. The trick with continuing to progress on the “long and happy (recovery) journey”, despite major stress, is to change down to (more…)

Eat Well (process) – Don’t freak yourself out

Our challenge is to eat less calories to recover from obesity. However, suddenly eating a lot less will put the body into an energy-conserving state, in which the desire for more food increases and the body’s metabolism begins to slow (more…)

Get Active – Driving the car is a luxury

Recovering from obesity doesn’t mean the end of luxuries. But it does involve becoming aware of how much of our modern daily life involves consuming luxuries. And there is no greater luxury than using private motor vehicles, which for many (more…)

Take Control – Listen to the super guru

We all know that when we’re starting to lose control a bit, one of the first things that goes out the window is regularly monitoring our weight in an objective way. Losing control needs dissociation; dissociation from the reality that (more…)

Enjoy Life – By simply opening your eyes

A great way of getting into some immediate enjoyment of life any time is opening your eyes and experiencing the beauty that is there right in front of your nose. We may find it in the face of another person, in the (more…)

Eat Well (content) – Eat non-starchy vegetables everyday

An obesity recovery lifestyle will feature a diet dominated by these fantastically nutritious, low calorie, high roughage foods. How dominated is your current diet by non-starchy vegetables? Review the past three days of eating. How many meals did you have? (more…)

Persist – Take little steps everyday

The long and happy journey can seem an impossible journey at times; especially when unexpected life stresses come along. Another way of making it seem an impossibility is constantly focusing on the end goal and contemplating the substantial amount of (more…)

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