Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Weekly Messages

Enjoy Life – By replacing passive pleasures with active ones

We all face a modern mantra – that unless we’re consuming a pleasure product we can’t possibly be enjoying life.  Passive pleasures such as relaxing in front of TV, consuming hedonic food, using drugs including alcohol, and frequenting shopping malls, (more…)

Eat Well (process)- Today is an excellent day to begin

We all want to get more control of our eating and recover from obesity.   A tried and true strategy to achieve this is to eat pre-planned nutritious meals every day and not take on any calories between meals. Today is a (more…)

Persist – Take a long-term view, but live one day at a time

Focussing on the big picture needs a good dollop of persistence and patience, while we continue to work on weight-loss, one day at a time. Like everything else that is practiced over and over, it gets easier with time.  When (more…)

Eat Well (content) – Eat a high-fibre diet

Eating well means eating for nutrition rather than eating for comfort.   One of the hallmarks of eating well is consuming a high fibre diet. Fibre is sometimes also called roughage.   Fibre consists of the parts of plants that can’t be (more…)

Get Active – Simple exercise facilitates recovery

Don’t let another day go by without increasing your activity in some way.  We don’t have to become an ultra-distance runner, or a runner of any sort for that matter, to recover from obesity. But increasing the general activity levels (more…)

Take Control – Consciously develop a new anti-obesity lifestyle

To develop a new anti-obesity lifestyle is to start undertaking it on a daily basis. Then bit by bit it becomes so ingrained we do it without thinking.  That needs conscious thought on a daily basis while the new behaviours are not yet second nature (like (more…)

Enjoy Life – Practice being positive

One of the best strategies for enjoying life is thinking positively about all the little encounters and occurrences which make up our daily life. Positive people are constantly on the lookout for the positive angle in situations and people.   But (more…)

Eat Well (process) – Become a regimental eater

Regimental eater sounds like something out of the military doesn’t it? – strict, rigid, disciplined, and ordered.  And this is exactly what is required to recover from the laissez-faire recreational eating which often characterises the eating style underlying obesity – (more…)

Persist – Make the change

Everyone wants to lose weight without having to put any real energy into it. But putting things off until apopo (tomorrow) is literally a killer when it comes to obesity and recovery. Procrastination about taking the steps to make the (more…)

Eat Well (content) – Increase your resistant starch consumption

We have previously emphasized the importance of eating non-starchy vegetables but this doesn’t mean that eating starchy vegetables such as potatoes and rice, or having pasta from time to time, is wrong. It’s just that when starchy foods such as (more…)

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