Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Weekly Messages

Enjoy Life – Keep up relationships especially in winter

Life is too short to delay focusing on the really important things that bring happiness.  One of the most important things that enhances enjoyment of life for the majority of people is having close relationships. We are highly social creatures who (more…)

Eat Well – Use small plates and cutlery

A good way to ensure we eat a little less is to use smaller plates and eat the food with smaller cutlery – like a small person. It’s hard to shovel food in with a teaspoon!  And using a smaller (more…)

Persist – Focus on the big picture

We all know we have to persist and keep going to make progress on our obesity recovery. But doing it is another thing, especially when we’re low in energy, feeling a bit stale, or finding ourselves getting paralysed by negative thinking.  (more…)

Eat Well – Eliminate sugary drinks

The purpose of drinking is to provide the body with water, an absolute necessity for life and health.   One of the most extraordinary features of our crazy modern lifestyle is the presence of highly concentrated sugary drinks. These products completely (more…)

Get Active – Walk as if you’re late

The first step in getting active is getting out of bed in the morning. The next step is getting out of the chair periodically during the day and standing. Next is taking little walks here and there during the day (more…)

Take Control – A dose of reality

Taking control begins by facing reality.   Every time we stand on the scales we are getting a dose of reality. And for some of us this is a very difficult and courageous step to take.  The second part of taking (more…)

Enjoy Life – Right now

This life is not a dress rehearsal. Strive to thoroughly enjoy what we have; starting now.  Our challenge in overcoming obesity is to integrate the principles of recovery with how we ‘do’ everyday life. While we continue to work on (more…)

Persist – Extend yourself a little

Every day opportunities will crop up which will help us develop more persistence.   Persistence is like a muscle in the brain. The more we exercise it, the stronger it becomes. And little successes overtime will grow into bigger successes.  But (more…)

Eat Well – Limit recreational food to improve your life expectancy

Being obese, particularly being morbidly obese, is hastening death. Research indicates that even being reasonably fit while being obese doesn’t have a great impact on improving life expectancy. You have to lose weight to really improve life expectancy, and in (more…)

Get Active – 10,000 steps a day is achievable!

A sedentary life featuring a lot of sitting around is an excellent strategy for maintaining obesity.   Getting up on your feet and walking a little more is an important ingredient in the overall recipe for recovering from obesity.  How much (more…)

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