Kia Ākina

Working towards lifelong recovery from obesity

Weekly Messages

Take Control – Take little steps

Who hasn’t abandoned their grand list of New Year’s resolutions by the time Easter eggs are decorating the supermarket shelves? It is not enough to make a wish list of lifestyle transformations. To make these transformations happen we must create plans involving small and achievable steps.  Too often big unwieldly plans get lost in the (more…)

Enjoy Life – Forgive early and forgive often

It is impossible to go through life without being let down, hurt or even bullied and abused by other people. In fact, it is very hard to go through one day without something happening that hurts in some way.  Such is life!  When we get (more…)

Persist – It’s not a quick-fix

Kia Ākina is not a short-term weight-loss project, like a Biggest Loser competition.   Short-term projects are quick-fix pseudo-solutions, which don’t produce recovery from obesity or result in a happier more contented life in the longer term. Instead they generally result in a worsening of (more…)

Eat Well – Eat simple evening meals

Evening eating is a major problem for many of us on the journey of obesity recovery.  The beginning of the day goes well; even through to lunchtime and a little beyond. Eating is under control and the quality of the food consumed (more…)

Get Active – Commit to an active life

Modern life offers increasing levels of comfort and convenience, so moving around under our own steam is perhaps viewed by many as old-fashioned.   An obesity recovery lifestyle is an active lifestyle in which we move as much as we can under our own steam. However, this lifestyle doesn’t (more…)

Take Control – Think one day at a time

Taking control and planning each day what we’re going to eat sounds simple enough. But with busy lives and the convenience of living with food constantly at hand or just a short stroll away, it is very easy to drift along and quietly graze (more…)

Enjoy Life – Get as much good sleep as possible  

Get enough sleep and enjoyment of life will increase.  But what is enough sleep?  As with most human things we’re all a bit different when it comes to sleep. What is enough for one person is not necessarily going to be enough for someone else. If (more…)

Persist – By being a good parent to our inner child

That might sound a bit weird: “be a good parent to our inner child”. But this is an excellent image to foster for the struggle towards changing an obesity lifestyle, with all of its negative patterns of overeating and inactivity, (more…)

Eat Well – Be careful what we eat between meals

Once we’ve made the decision about how many meals to eat each day (which for the majority of us will be two to three) as well as determined the size and composition of the meals to ensure slow and steady (more…)

Get Active – Make exercise part of everyday life

It is surprising how many people think that exercise is something we do outside normal life. There is an exercise industry out there that is aiming to separate us from our money. The more they can get us thinking that exercise (more…)

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